Watch the Videos!

When you've finished reading the chapter "Introduction to Discourse Analysis", by Celce-Murcia and Olshtain (2000), click on the videos on the right to watch the slide shows.

These presentations are all available at, in my channel - katiamvalerio. As they were recorded as video clips, press the PAUSE button as often and for as long as you need so that you have time to read and reflect upon the concepts illustrated in the slides. Remember you can enlarge them and use the 'print screen' button on your keyboard to save specific slides.

Comments and questions are more than welcome and should be addressed to our Discussion Forum at

The videos should be watched in the following sequence:
  1. 'Defining Discourse'.
  2. 'Traditions in DA'.
  3. 'Introduction to Speech Acts'.
  4. 'Introduction to Pragmatics'.
Remember all these presentations were meant to illustrate and help you understand the content in Text 1 and should not be attempted without reading the chapter thouroughly first.

When you're done with watching, you can post your comments and/or questions in our forum -

You should also get together with your group members and try to solve the tasks proposed in The solutions you propose can also be posted in our forum.